
Introducing SparkEd v1.8.0

February 12, 2019

SparkEd V1.8.0 Released

This is a major release since 1.8.0

Dark mode that can be turned on and off at your convenient.

We considered our users and long time spent on the screen and decided to implement the dark mode(Night mode), not only does it look good even during the day but it doesn’t strain the eyes and saves battery power. Here are some benefits of dark mode:

  • Improved Readability of Text
  • Better Contrast
  • Reduced Eye Fatigue
  • Less Flicker (if existing issues)
  • Less Blue Light
  • Less Prone to Triggering Photophobia
  • Can Save Small Amounts of Electricity(😉)

Other changes included in this version is the stats page, this shows how many contents SparkEd has, the contents are categorized in the following order:

  • Users
  • Courses(Grades)
  • Units
  • Topics
  • Resources
  • References

The dashboard now shows a total number in each category, this helps the administrator know how much contents has been created in SparkEd, in V3.0 these will be categorized further like under Resources we will be able to show how many videos or how many pdf there are.

The following are the major commits to this release:

  • fixed the sidenav with no overlay 6b01a38
  • added the dark mode in localstorage b217fc0
  • added stats cards 2731faa
  • added a count up to increase collection count in an animated way e256ac3
  • fixed the isDark issue in imgSlider 6ca078e
  • removed unused code 6141c48
  • normalized white color on the modal 22cb9c1

This pull request contained about 63 commits all together and the following are the issues they resolved:

  • Add Stats for all resources #52
  • Enable Dark Mode across SparkEd #51

Look out for V2.0 and more fixes that will be coming, The updated doc will be live soon.

We are always looking for contributors, feel free to get in touch.

The image below shows a screenshot taken when dark mode is activated

Dark mode screenshot

Feel free to report any issue here that may be found or an important feature that would need to be added in v2.0

For older releases you can find them here


Written by OlivierJM, Software Developer for UAB and BongoHive I am based in Lusaka, Zambia. You can find me on Twitter and Github